prov.en.der offers a series of mentoring weekends designed to lead participants through the patterns of Mason's thought and praxis. Guests may do either Clockwise or Hearthside first, or solely, but the weekends are even more fruitful if experienced in the intended order. We ask that guests have done all three of the other weekends before attending Large Room. We're glad you found your way here!
1.Clockwise: What a Day is For
A unique prov.en.der formation weekend, Clockwise centers around Charlotte Mason’s ideas on time and human-paced education. Day One finds us living a typical day of Mason's practices with experienced teachers guiding the flow and variety of her carefully crafted schedule. From Morning Gathering through lessons in Number, Reading, History, and Copy Work, to Afternoon undertakings in Nature Study, Singing and Handcraft, we enjoy learning in parallel. Later, reflection and discussion over afternoon tea allow for an exploration of the nuances of the day from a student’s perspective.
On our second day we gather specially selected portions of Mason’s philosophy in an assortment of offerings. Presentations, readings, drawing, and meditation help us to search out the whys of her pedagogy. The import of living in time, being unhurried, simplicity, habits, the teaching of history, Book of Centuries, and planning lessons are some of the matters we pause over. We preserve time for quiet attention to our to our classroom rhythms and consultation with presenters. The weekend culminates with friendship and grand conversation as we reflect on “what a day is for.”
On our second day we gather specially selected portions of Mason’s philosophy in an assortment of offerings. Presentations, readings, drawing, and meditation help us to search out the whys of her pedagogy. The import of living in time, being unhurried, simplicity, habits, the teaching of history, Book of Centuries, and planning lessons are some of the matters we pause over. We preserve time for quiet attention to our to our classroom rhythms and consultation with presenters. The weekend culminates with friendship and grand conversation as we reflect on “what a day is for.”
"The method I am advocating has this advantage, it multiplies time."
~Charlotte Mason
2. Hearthside:Here I Am
The second in prov.en.der’s series of formation weekends is designed to highlight Charlotte Mason’s ideas about place, and the elements of a hospitable education. The first day participants become students experiencing education designed with the outdoor classroom and the world “within a walking radius of home” in mind. From Morning Gathering through lessons in Geography, Natural History, and Literature, to Afternoon Undertakings in dry-brush painting, Architecture, and Handcraft, we delight in the personality of our particular learning environment. Later, reflection and discussion over our ritual of afternoon tea allow for an exploration of the nuances of the day from a student’s perspective.
Day Two brings us back together over specially selected portions of Mason’s philosophy in an assortment of offerings. Our work is to find the connection between the philosophical underpinnings of Mason's thought and our classrooms. This finds us in lively discussion, careful reading, and quiet thought as we give our attention to the import of: living in a particular place, "keeping habits" -- of beauty and atmosphere, the adventure of Geography, "The Enquire Within," and the country of Mansoul. Our time together culminates with a quiet reflection on place, and what it means to be awake to the landscape of now, and recognition of “Here I am.”
Day Two brings us back together over specially selected portions of Mason’s philosophy in an assortment of offerings. Our work is to find the connection between the philosophical underpinnings of Mason's thought and our classrooms. This finds us in lively discussion, careful reading, and quiet thought as we give our attention to the import of: living in a particular place, "keeping habits" -- of beauty and atmosphere, the adventure of Geography, "The Enquire Within," and the country of Mansoul. Our time together culminates with a quiet reflection on place, and what it means to be awake to the landscape of now, and recognition of “Here I am.”
"Every child is an heir to an enormous patrimony, heir to all the ages, inheritor of all the present."
~ Charlotte Mason
3. At Table:Every Willing Guest
The third of prov.en.der’s weekends finds participants “at table” with Charlotte Mason’s curricular feast deeply exploring the idea of relationship in education. Again we become the student in order to discover anew the delicacies Mason’s paradigm holds for each willing guest, this time with lessons arranged with an upper form student in mind. We relish the profundity and variety of Mason’s carefully chosen syllabus with morning lessons in Bible, Citizenship, Literature, History, and Languages. In the afternoon, field studies, Music, and Handcraft absorb us until the refreshment of teatime allows a hearty pause to think it all through as we enjoy each other and our time together.
Morning finds us studying Mason’s writings with all the seriousness of a student of Talmud. We are extracting the marrow of living in right relationship, choosing nourishing curriculum, keeping a Commonplace, and being formed by Big Ideas. "The Way of the Will" and "The Way of Reason" are delectable accompaniments as we consider our teaching postures, and taste the fruits of the habit of attention. We close our time together with a special celebration, looking forward to “the Large Room."
Morning finds us studying Mason’s writings with all the seriousness of a student of Talmud. We are extracting the marrow of living in right relationship, choosing nourishing curriculum, keeping a Commonplace, and being formed by Big Ideas. "The Way of the Will" and "The Way of Reason" are delectable accompaniments as we consider our teaching postures, and taste the fruits of the habit of attention. We close our time together with a special celebration, looking forward to “the Large Room."
"We spread an abundant and delicate feast in the programmes and each small guest assimilates what he can."
~ Charlotte Mason
4. Large Room:Rich Toward God
The finale of the prov.en.der series, weekend four is like a large room, expansive, a bit mysterious, full of exotic treasures, and not for the faint-hearted. Some will find its spaces a little austere. Some may think the lushness of its heirlooms fusty, and its rich furnishings overwhelming. But beneath it all is the hardwood of a shelter designed for tending to the questions implicit in all of Mason's writings, and the previous prov.en.der weekends: What is a person? What is real relationship? What does formation true to the way things are look like? What is the purpose of education? Participants are gently guided through a variety of Mason's learning postures in a solitary excursion to this "room with a view:" Mason's "Great Recognition" and its implications, not only for our classrooms, but as a hopeful cadence in the coming generation.
"...we are apt to lose sight of the importance of meditation."
~ Charlotte Mason
Up Next:
September 20, 21, 2024
8:30-3:30 p.m.
At the Milner Home
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Space is limited to 20 participants and registration details can be found here.
copyright prov.en.der 2013-2023