1. (n) A temporary platform, either supported from below or suspended from above,
on which workers sit or stand when performing tasks at heights above the ground.
2. (v) To provide support.
Realizing that sometimes we need a little help in seeing the next handhold as we build a new educational model, prov.en.der has raised a number of temporary, yet stable platforms from which to view "the things supplied." Whether the attraction is "professional, parental, or purely con amore," please consider prov.en.der weekends, the prov.en.der sojourn, and our celebratory L'haRMas, your personal invitation to join this joyful company. Or write us about arranging a private conversation; we would be delighted to explore ways we could lift and undergird you in your lofty work.
copyright prov.en.der 2013-2019